Sunday 19 July 2015

Feeling Motivated!

Hi Guys

I've recently filmed a chatty video on this topic on my YouTube channel, but felt I wanted to blog about it too. There's always things I will have missed out or since want to add in.

How do you motivate yourself? Not specifically for dieting like I am, but for anything whether it's becoming fitter, giving something up or wanting to do well at work.

As I said in my video I don't think anyone can physically motivate someone else. It all has to come from you. Don't get me wrong, I believe others can definitely encourage you, and give you ideas to help you along the way, but I think it mainly has to come from within. 

For me and my dieting journey, being in the right frame of mind is the game changer. As soon as that disappears, so does my will power. I definitely think losing weight in a group is helpful as we have all given each other ideas for meals so we don't get bored. However for the last few weeks I've been calorie counting with my fitness pal app (which is awesome). So my meals have been very different from what I tend to eat if I was on slimming world. I think because over the last few weeks I've been losing well on it I'm going to stick with it until my holiday. That's the other big motivation for me at the moment. I have 7 weeks until I go on holiday and the thought of wearing swimwear is enough to help me stick to it. Haha!
I did say I'd like to lose another stone by then but you just never know what's going to occur along the way so I won't be promising anything. 

One of my biggest motivations recently was buying some jeans from Primark. Now this may not seem like a big deal to a lot of people but Primark jeans (especially) have always come up small so I just haven't even bothered trying them. But now I'm 3lbs off 2st I decided to try some on. AND THEY FITTED PERFECTLY! I was so pleased with this. Especially as this pair were in the sale for £5. Bargain! I've always struggled to find jeans I'm comfy in. These ones are also high waisted so make my tummy flatter! Bonus! 
So definitely a clothing item can be a big motivation!
Here's me in my new Primark jeans. What do we think? :-) 

Like I said before I'd love to know what helps you become motivated and stay motivated!


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