Sunday 12 July 2015

Battle of the Micellar waters!

Hi Guys!

So what else Is there to do on a Sunday morning at 8am other than blogging right?
No idea why I'm up this early on my only day off however it seems a good thing, as I've been soooo busy with my day job I just haven't had time to blog.mso sorry about that guys.

As you can see from the title of this blog I'm reviewing some Micellar waters I've been trialling over the last few months. I have 4 that I've used but could only picture 3 as I seem to have lost one of my empty bottles.

So the first one I tried was the Garnier Micellar cleansing water. This beauty retails at £4.99 but it is often on sale. It's a great size bottle too at 400mls. There are several types you can buy but mine was for sensitive skin and is perfume free.
It does say 400mls = 200 uses. I can't say I got 200 uses however I didn't count. I did like how this poured out though, which may seem like a strange thing to say but the loreal one was a nightmare. But it did seem to last well. This one was perfect for taking off eye makeup including waterproof mascara. It literally just melted it off.

So on to the Loreal skin perfection Micellar water. This is the same price as the Garnier but only half the size. So that was my first fail with this one. 
The product itself was really nice to use, and again took off waterproof makeup well. 
However, as I said this one for pouring out was a nightmare. I felt like I used the bottle up so quickly because it would pour out so quick and so much at once. This one is also good for sensitive skin and fine to use on eyes, even though there was a slight decent to it.

Next was the Simple kind to skin Micellar water. This one is again only 200ml and costs £4.49. It pours well and seemed to last really well too. 
Being in the simple range it's perfect for those who do suffer with sensitive skin, so it was perfect for your eyes too.
I don't think this one melted off my makeup quite as well as the Garnier one, but it was good to use too.

Finally I've recently been using the Superdrug Gentle Micellar water from the vitamin E range. Again it's just 200mls however it's only £2.99 so a great price. 
But... It's definitely my least favourite. It smells sooo nice and is ok to use on skin, but on your eyes no! It stings! Even though it's called gentle Micellar. It's definitely not. So whilst using this I've used my simple wipes to remove my eye makeup and then this to remove my face makeup.
In my eyes I'd much prefer one of the others that I can just use all over my face.
I do have to say though all 4 that I've tried do remove all reminents of makeup and left my skin feeling really clean and fresh. Also none of these have made me have any break outs which is a big bonus for all of them!

Hope you've found this helpful. Let me know what your favourite Micellar waters are!


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