Wednesday 6 August 2014

Rimmel Lash Accelerator Endless Mascara

Hi Guys

Time for a mascara review. Not done one of these for a while. And obviously you read the title and know which one I'm talking about. But Incase your not sure what it looks like I will add in a picture here :-).
On the front of this mascara it says 'Grow lash complex + fibres'. So seeing this I though ahh fab my lashes will be super duper long and luscious because of this fibre technique. However on application I was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong it did make my lashes a nice length although (without bragging) i do find my lashes to be quite good with most mascaras. And this one didn't seem to be doing anything extra for me. I've never had a fibres mascara before, but I have looked at them and thought about buying one, because you can normally see the little fibres on the wand. But on closer inspection with this wand, it just looks like any other mascara to me. You can't see any fibres, which made me doubt the whole fibre technology thing. 
As a normal mascara it's fine. Like I say it does add length and volume to my lashes, but I have found it doesn't give me anything extra than other mascaras without fibres do. This one cost me £7.99 from Boots.

I'm definitely not saying I wouldn't re-purchase it because I would, but if there were other new ones out to try I would probably try them first. 

Bye for now 

Laura xox

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