Sunday 13 September 2015

Holiday to Spain!

Hola seƱoritas!

I can't believe my holiday has been and gone already! Wahh! Why does it always go so quick! 10weeks I had to wait for it and then it felt like 10 seconds long! Haha! Oh well. It was lush whilst it lasted.

We were a little worried before we went about the weather, as it wasn't looking good, and to be honest the first couple of days were a little naff. Thursday especially. It rained practically all day and was actually a little chilly but luckily from Friday it was hot hot hot!
Paul came across a new product that we loved all week too to help with the old tanning! It was called carrot oil! Never had I ever heard of it but I am converted now! I'm going to do a post on it soon!

I have made a short vlog from my holiday just showing you around the area. So if you want to see that I'll link my YouTube channel below. I completely took a week off from social media and actually quite enjoyed it. I think it's well needed sometimes! 

I think my week literally consisted of eating, sleeping, sunbathing, and cocktails! Haha! Perfect hey!

Here's a few piccys from my week away.

Whilst we were out there it was my dads birthday. And little did he know that my sister and her husband were flying out for it. If you've seen my vlog you'll see his reaction! It was brilliant. So this pic was taking that morning as he wanted a picture with his girls lol.


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