Tuesday 22 September 2015

Autumn Tag!

Hi guys

It's that lovely time of the year once again! Hands up, who loves autumn? I know I do! As much as I love summer, bbqs and tanning, there's something nice about cooler evenings and crunchy leaves!

Anyway I saw this tag on YouTube and the questions were made up by the gorgeous Jaclyn Hill. So I thought I'd do a blog version instead of making a video. 

Here goes..
1-Favourite candle?
For me I love the Kringle American Appke Pie candle. The smell is so warming and the light cinnamon fragrance gets me excited for Christmas!

2-Favourite Lip colour?
Obviously a dark lip is standard in autumn right? I'm loving the Freedom Makeup lipstick in the shade 'Adorn'. Perfect berry colour! If I want to vamp it up a little, I go for the darker shade 'Smoulder' from Sleek.

3-Favorite Drink?
You can't beat a good cup of tea in my eyes and I've never been one for all these different flavoured coffees. Mainly because I don't need another naughty treat in my diet that I'll get addicted to! Haha!

4-Favourite blush?
I tend to stick to some shades that I wear all year really. Although I do love the more plummy tones. These two end ones in this Kryolan palette are lovely.

5-Favourite clothing item?
Scarfs! It just has to be. I find myself accessorising every outfit with one. There my go to transitional piece to keep me that little bit warmer in those cooler days.

6-Favourite fall movie?
Well it's definitely got to be a scary movie! Sometimes it will depend what's new out over Halloween. Or I'll dig up some oldies from my collection! I haven't got 1 favourite. Although did enjoy the Saw movies.

7-Favorite fall TV show?
I don't think I have a particular show I like to watch anytime of the year to be honest. 

8-Favourite thanksgiving food?
Obviously in the UK we don't do thanksgiving, just Christmas. So I thought I'd just pick my favourite part of a Christmas dinner. Hmm...ermm... It's so hard! I LOVE Christmas dinner! Maybe the roast potatoes, or the sausages wrapped in bacon! Can't decide!

9-Favorite Halloween costume?
I have to admit I haven't dressed up for Halloween in years. But if I went to a party this year I'd probably go as a zombie/dead person/accident victim. Purely because I could get super creative with makeup!

So that's all the questions! If you fancy doing this tag then please do whether it be in blog or vlog style!

Thankyou for reading 

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