Tuesday 1 July 2014

Half way!!

Hi Guys!

How crazy is it that we are half way through the year today! Where has 6 months gone!
It will be Christmas before we know it!! And as much as I don't want to think about it, I suddenly found myself thinking.."ooh might start thinking about what to get people". NO LAURA snap out of that one, it's far too early!
So instead I browsed the internet and found a few items I may purchase in the future! I'm absolutely loving the whole kimono trend and I'm on the look out for one or two! I found these on the New Look website which are fairly gorge so I may just have to add these to my basket!
What do we think about these two! I love the tassels but I thought the crocheted hem on the coral one was soooo pretty and girly. Let me know in the comments which one you like?!

I think life would just be sooo much easier if we all had personal stylists!! Haha.. No stress of what to wear when we go out lol.
Dream on hey.

Laura xox

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