Wednesday 23 April 2014

Easter holidays!

Hi Guys!

Hope you all had an absolutely fab Easter bank holiday weekends! I did, but blimey how fast did the 4 days go? 
I seemed to fit a lot into just a few days, so that's probably why it seemed to go soooo quickly. On Good Friday I had a little pamper from my friend Hannah, and got my nails done. All pink, girly and springy. I'll put a pic up of them as I love them, with little Daisy's on etc. It's definitely the small things in life that excite me! Nice nails, makeup, beauty products! Haha! 

These next ones were what I done for Hannah!

I then chilled for a couple hours in the afternoon which was lovely as works been super busy now the weathers getting better. That evening I went to a local bar, as there was a really good, popular band playing. There called Ska'd For Life, and do ska music and a lot of madness! All the type of music that everyone knows! I think half the town must have been in there that night! It was ridiculously busy! But always makes for a fab atmosphere don't you think? Tad annoying when you wait like 30mins at the bar though!
Saturday morning I had to work. Only done a couple of Gellux manicures so they don't take too long, so i didn't have to work for long. Every Saturday 
afternoon my auntie, cousins and grandma all pile round my mums for a cuppa and a piece of cake. (Grandmas baking is just the best!) I do love these couple of hours! We're all so close which I also love. So many family's don't spend much time with there cousins and aunties etc which I think is so sad as I've had some of the best times with them. My cousins are definitely like my best friends! We're all so similar in humour that it is always just so funny!
Saturday was also my mums birthday, so that evening 10 of us went out for a meal to a Turkish restaurant in town. None of us had been there before so we were all intrigued to see what it was like. It was absolutely delicious! Apparently on Friday evenings they sometimes have belly dancers too and we were disappointed they didn't have any on Saturday. Although we kind of did, as my dad decided to get up and put ona belly dancing belt that was hanging over a vase and gave the restaurant a mini show! Of course I filmed it on my phone!! My goodness what would we do without our phones now a days! Always good for bribary! Lol
Easter Sunday was here but unfortunately the Easter bunny didn't visit me! :-(! Although I really didn't miss it, I had plenty else to eat that weekend! We spent time at my partners parents in the afternoon and then went to my mums for roast lamb! You just can't beat mums home cooked roast dinners can you! It was soooo good! I'm sure I could actually eat a roast every day! I did walk my pooch afterwards as I was so full, I felt the need to walk it off a bit lol. 
Last day of the weekend saw me getting up stupidly early as we went to a big carboot sale. Luckily it was really lovely weather walking round, even though we didn't buy anything. Later that day we went to the local seaside which was really really busy due to the good weather, and we had fish and chips whilst we were there! Why does chips by the sea always taste so much better!?

Anyways hope you enjoyed reading this, and hearing about what I got up to!

Bye for now

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