Friday 25 September 2015

Got2b Tame & Shine Hair Oil

Hi guys!

Here's a new little gem for anyone out there, who like me feels there hair needs a boost!

Over the summer I've had a lot of bleach put in my hair, and at first it seemed to feel great. My friend and hairdresser used a different bleach that is actually kinda to your hair. But over time, and especially the last time my hair just felt quite dry!
I have to admit I don't think my holiday helped. Sun, sea and pools aren't great for good conditioned hair!

Anyhow my friend used this last time and I decided to buy it to use regularly to see if it helped. 

I've now been using it for around 2 weeks and already I have noticed a difference. 
This oil can be used in either damp or dry hair. I tend to use it in dry hair as I always use my Aussie take the heat conditioning spray. So once I've dried and styled my hair, I put just one pump into the palm of my hands, warm it up, then just work it through my mid-lengths and ends. 

It leaves my hair looking healthy and shiny but also works its magic on helping to repair my locks. If your feeling like your hair could do with a boost then I'd definitely recommend this product to you!

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday 22 September 2015

Autumn Tag!

Hi guys

It's that lovely time of the year once again! Hands up, who loves autumn? I know I do! As much as I love summer, bbqs and tanning, there's something nice about cooler evenings and crunchy leaves!

Anyway I saw this tag on YouTube and the questions were made up by the gorgeous Jaclyn Hill. So I thought I'd do a blog version instead of making a video. 

Here goes..
1-Favourite candle?
For me I love the Kringle American Appke Pie candle. The smell is so warming and the light cinnamon fragrance gets me excited for Christmas!

2-Favourite Lip colour?
Obviously a dark lip is standard in autumn right? I'm loving the Freedom Makeup lipstick in the shade 'Adorn'. Perfect berry colour! If I want to vamp it up a little, I go for the darker shade 'Smoulder' from Sleek.

3-Favorite Drink?
You can't beat a good cup of tea in my eyes and I've never been one for all these different flavoured coffees. Mainly because I don't need another naughty treat in my diet that I'll get addicted to! Haha!

4-Favourite blush?
I tend to stick to some shades that I wear all year really. Although I do love the more plummy tones. These two end ones in this Kryolan palette are lovely.

5-Favourite clothing item?
Scarfs! It just has to be. I find myself accessorising every outfit with one. There my go to transitional piece to keep me that little bit warmer in those cooler days.

6-Favourite fall movie?
Well it's definitely got to be a scary movie! Sometimes it will depend what's new out over Halloween. Or I'll dig up some oldies from my collection! I haven't got 1 favourite. Although did enjoy the Saw movies.

7-Favorite fall TV show?
I don't think I have a particular show I like to watch anytime of the year to be honest. 

8-Favourite thanksgiving food?
Obviously in the UK we don't do thanksgiving, just Christmas. So I thought I'd just pick my favourite part of a Christmas dinner. Hmm...ermm... It's so hard! I LOVE Christmas dinner! Maybe the roast potatoes, or the sausages wrapped in bacon! Can't decide!

9-Favorite Halloween costume?
I have to admit I haven't dressed up for Halloween in years. But if I went to a party this year I'd probably go as a zombie/dead person/accident victim. Purely because I could get super creative with makeup!

So that's all the questions! If you fancy doing this tag then please do whether it be in blog or vlog style!

Thankyou for reading 

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Carrot Oil Gel - by Sun Tropic

Hi guys!

Anyone else heard of this? I hadn't until my holiday! However now I'd buy it every time we go away. 

Myself and Paul both LOVE getting a good tan. Before we went on holiday the weather forecast wasn't looking great and we were both a bit like oh no we want a tan lol. Luckily there were wrong and it was mostly a beautiful week. But because of what the forecast had said we had decided not to bother weighing our cases down with extra sun cream and after sun lotions. We said if it turns out nice we will just buy some out there! 

As you may know from reading my holiday blog post the first couple days were a bit of a no go on the tanning front, but from the Friday onwards it was fab. I think because of losing those 2 days worth of tanning we decided to not worry about sun cream and just try and get the best tan we could!
Yes yes yes I know you should always be protected in the sun blah blah but generally were both pretty hardy and don't burn so we said sod it!

It was the Friday Paul spotted the carrot oil gel in our local Spanish supermarket and it was only €3.95 (Approx £2.89) so we thought yea why not! It says clearly in the bottle that is has no protection In it, it purely accelerates tanning. 

The texture seemed to be an oily gel, however as you were rubbing it in, it just melted into your skin leaving no sticky or oiliness. Which I loved as usually with 'oils' your skin stays greasy which drives me mad! The smell was a typical sun cream smell of coconuts. It just said to apply liberally which we done for the week.

One thing we both noticed whilst using it was that our skin felt so soft and moisturised. Literally the best it's felt in ages. Extra brownie point for the product. 

We had laughed when we started using it saying just imagine if by the end of the week were still not tanned as such just orange from the carrots! That would have been funny! But luckily we both came home with a fab tan! Which I have had so many compliments on.

One last thing to mention about this product is that my tan has lasted so well since coming home. I'm normally one for losing my tan almost as soon as I land! Ok bit of an exaggeration but I do lose it quickly. But I still look lovely and sun kissed brown.

Definitely a repurchase for our next holiday for sure!


Sunday 13 September 2015

Holiday to Spain!

Hola seƱoritas!

I can't believe my holiday has been and gone already! Wahh! Why does it always go so quick! 10weeks I had to wait for it and then it felt like 10 seconds long! Haha! Oh well. It was lush whilst it lasted.

We were a little worried before we went about the weather, as it wasn't looking good, and to be honest the first couple of days were a little naff. Thursday especially. It rained practically all day and was actually a little chilly but luckily from Friday it was hot hot hot!
Paul came across a new product that we loved all week too to help with the old tanning! It was called carrot oil! Never had I ever heard of it but I am converted now! I'm going to do a post on it soon!

I have made a short vlog from my holiday just showing you around the area. So if you want to see that I'll link my YouTube channel below. I completely took a week off from social media and actually quite enjoyed it. I think it's well needed sometimes! 

I think my week literally consisted of eating, sleeping, sunbathing, and cocktails! Haha! Perfect hey!

Here's a few piccys from my week away.

Whilst we were out there it was my dads birthday. And little did he know that my sister and her husband were flying out for it. If you've seen my vlog you'll see his reaction! It was brilliant. So this pic was taking that morning as he wanted a picture with his girls lol.
