Sunday 1 March 2015

Skincare Help!!!

Hi Guys

So I'm in need of a little advice from all you beauties. 

Currently my skin care routine isn't anything impressive and is quite "Simple". I just use Simple cleansing wipes to remove my makeup and the Simple toner. For my daily moisturiser I use the Simple light moisturiser and the Simple eye cream.

My skin type is more normal to oily, as I find I am mainly oily through the T-zone only. So I am looking for products to suit that. I'd rather get advice from people rather than going out and buying all these skincare products to find I've wasted my money and they don't work for me or I don't like them.

Scarily enough too im in desperate need for an eye cream! I'm getting wrinkles!! Wahhhh! I suppose being nearly 30 I shouldn't be suprised!
So maybe all of my skin care could be aimed towards ageing skin. I think it's about time I took this s#&t seriously! Haha!

One thing I have recently splurged on, is the Origins active charcoal mask which was £23 and it has been a fab buy. I would recommend it if you want a mask that deep cleans those pores. If you want to know more about It I have a previous blog post on it.

Please help me!


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