Sunday 27 July 2014

Sunday review day!

Hi Guys!

Today I am reviewing the Benefit Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow foundation! 
I've been using this on and off for the last few months, due to loving it one moment and not the next!
But my overall thought now is definitely a thumbs up! Especially in this hot weather were having at the moment. It just wears really well and lasts all day long! I've found it keeps my skin looking matte all day too which I think is down to being oil free. And it has a SPF of 25 which is another great benefit for the summer!
The coverage is a medium coverage which is also nice for this time of year as sometimes you just don't want that heavy full coverage look and feel that you can get with some foundations!
As you can see below they have a great colour range. My colour is Champagne (cheers to me) which is perfect for me whilst I have a tan! This one is very yellow based which is also great for me! But like I say there range is big so everyone could find their correct shade!
The price of this foundation is £26.50 so it's not the cheapest. But if your interested in getting this and trying it out I would definitely suggest going somewhere where they have someone on the counter so they can advise you on the correct colour to get, as you don't want to waste £26.50 on the wrong the shade!

Bye for now

Laura xox

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Clean eating

Hi Guys!
Ok so here's my attempt to shed few pounds. Clean eating! I've got a few friends mad on it and one has been giving me advice and telling me the good things to eat and what to avoid! Basically step away from processes foods!
I even ventured to the gym not sure if my gym card would still work! (Yes it's been that long). But I done a work out and kinda enjoyed it, even though it was hard work being my first time back in a while.
Anyway I will try keep updates on here letting you all know if it's working, how I'm feeling and what I'm eating! Talking of good here's today's lunch!
Chicken salad. Seasoned with a Schwartz perfect shake seasoning for chicken!
Let me know if your clean eating and how your doing. Also give me meal ideas! I get a little stuck in a rut sometimes and get bored because I'm eating the same thing all the time!

Laura xox

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Jimmy's Farm

Hi Guys!

I had such a lovely day yesterday with my best friend and my godson! We went to a local farm near us and had lots of fun!

So thought I'd show you a few pictures from my day!

You can't beat a day at a farm.. Although we did start getting a little freaked out as the biggest peacock you've ever seen stalked us whilst we had lunch!
But it was sooo pretty!

There was a butterfly room, which OMG was so hot and muggy I thought I might actually die! Just felt like I couldn't breathe! However I have never seen such pretty butterflies. And unfortunately I couldn't get a good pic.

Here's a few more pics from today!
I absolutely loved this pig! He was so cute!

Laura xox

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Drug Store Brow Products

Hi Guys!

I've been on the look for the perfect brow products that I like to use, that suits me and how I like my brows to look.

Over the last few months I've been trying powders, pencils and gels. 

I started really liking the Rimmel brow pencil ⬇️
As much as I was enjoying using it and the look it gave me, the 'spoolie' brush which is nothing like a spoolie is awful. The pencil itself isn't too hard, nor too soft. I know people say that the harder the pencil the better the longevity is, and vice versa if the pencils too soft it will just wear off quicker. But I find it difficult to use them if there too hard. I was using the dark brown one, which isn't really that dark, however I did want to try the hazel colour but every single time I went to buy one no where ever had them!

Next I've recently been enjoying using the E.L.F brow kit ⬇️
I have mine in light and when I first opened it and looked at it I was a bit 'meh'! They gel looked great, but the the look of the powder wasn't what I thought it would be and I was very optimistic on how it would actually look.
I ideally wanted the light gel, but the medium powder from looking at them online.
However, both the gel and powder have been awesome. The powder comes out darker than I thought it would, and is lovely to use. Not chalky at all.
You can easily use the gel or the powder on their own, but I am tending to use them together. I will use the gel to line the bottom of my brow, then the powder to fill in the rest.moor me at the moment this is my favourite brow product.

In saying that I still really want to try the soap and glory Brow Archery. ⬇️
I've heard so many good review on this as it has a pencil one end and a felt pen liner the other, which apparently you can make fine lines with that will look like real brow hairs. But again similar to me finding the hazel pencil, every time I go in to boots it's out of stock. 
This tells me it must be good! 

Any other brow products you think I should try, (drugstore or high end) let me know in the comments below!

Laura xox

Half way!!

Hi Guys!

How crazy is it that we are half way through the year today! Where has 6 months gone!
It will be Christmas before we know it!! And as much as I don't want to think about it, I suddenly found myself thinking.."ooh might start thinking about what to get people". NO LAURA snap out of that one, it's far too early!
So instead I browsed the internet and found a few items I may purchase in the future! I'm absolutely loving the whole kimono trend and I'm on the look out for one or two! I found these on the New Look website which are fairly gorge so I may just have to add these to my basket!
What do we think about these two! I love the tassels but I thought the crocheted hem on the coral one was soooo pretty and girly. Let me know in the comments which one you like?!

I think life would just be sooo much easier if we all had personal stylists!! Haha.. No stress of what to wear when we go out lol.
Dream on hey.

Laura xox