Thursday 12 June 2014

Summer sun!

Hi Guys!
The summer is finally upon us!! Wahoo! 
So I have been a little bit quiet here on my blog lately but my work has just been super busy! The sun makes everyone want their toes gelled so they look gorgeous in flipflops and of course this time of year brings holidays, proms and weddings! 
 And if I haven't been working I've been filming for my youtube channel which I  absolutely love doing! If you haven't checked out my channel then just search Laura Sage on youtube and you should find me! :-) For those who haven't visited my channel, it consists of shopping hauls of beauty, clothes and anything else I've picked up, makeup get ready with me's, some tag videos which are always fun to do and product reviews. I have a new series of videos starting soon on my channel that I've been working on, which will be to do with my day time job! All will be revealed soon!
I have enjoyed the sun as much as possible lately and last Sunday I spent the day on my dads boat! And I really don't think there's a better way to spend a sunny Sunday! We launch at a local marina and tend to just trundle around. My dads friends also have boats and at lunch time we moor up to a boy in the middle of the river and have a picnic whilst bobbing around catching the rays! Sometimes in the afternoons the boys will 'attempt' some water sports which can be highly amusing (and of course is always caught on camera). They wakeboard, knee board, water ski or go on a donut! Apparently my dad holds the championship for no one being able to tip him off lol! 
Fingers crossed Sundays stay nice now so we can launch more often! 
What have all you been up to in this gorgeous weather??
Hopefully from now I'll be cable to find time to do regular blogs for you. I have a few review items I am going to be doing. So they will be up soon! I think I am going to aim to put up a blog every Sunday evening!
So I hope you have enjoyed this little chatty catch up post! And I will speak to you all soon!
Thanks for reading!
Bye xxx
I thought I'd add a pic from sunday for you.

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