Sunday 12 October 2014

Where have I been??

Hey Guys!

Soooo, as you may have seen, I've been completely poop at blogging! I can't even tell you that it's because I've been super busy doing lots of exciting things, because I haven't! 
I've just been working away with my day job, and sometimes when I'm finished for the day, I just want to sit and chill out. 

Blogging is definitely a full time hobbie, but I am determined this time to get my butt in gear a keep up with regular blog posts. I am going to aim to blog at least twice a week, but it could be more!

What else have I to tell you..... Ooh I went on holiday recently. Well I say recently it was 4 weeks ago already! Why does that always happen? Feels like I haven't been away. But it was so lovely when I was there. Hot sun, beach and cocktails. What more do you need! I went to Costa Brava with my other half, mum and dad, and it was just what I needed. 
How lovely does it look! I wish I was there now!
There was an absolutely fab cocktail shack just down the road from the hotel, and all the cocktails were just amazing!
Can't beat a 'Sex on the Beach' hey! Haha

So yes, just wanted to finally check back in and let you all know what's going on!

Bye for now

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