Sunday 30 March 2014

First ever blog!!!

Hiiii guys!!

So I'm super excited right now... I've decided to become a blogger. (I must sound so sad lol but I'm afraid little things excite me :-)!)
 I've read lots of other peoples blogs and love having an insight to people's lives! I thought to myself that I would love to do it too but thought that I would have absolutely no idea what to write. However I've recently become a youtuber too and I am absolutely loving making videos for you all to watch. When I made my first video I was so surprised how easy it was to just chat away to yourself whilst being filmed. (I must admit the first video felt a little silly and was praying no one walked in on me. Lol) I will leave a link to my youtube channel for you all at the bottom! I would love for you all to check it out and subscribe.  :-) My youtube videos currently feature random tag videos, hauls and product reviews. I'm hoping to get into doing makeup tutorials too. If any of you are into youtube and have any fun ideas or anything you want to see then please let me know!

I thought that my blog here would probably be a lot of reviews on everything and anything and also just letting you in on my life! Sharing all my ups, downs and inbetweens! 

Well this weekend has been so nice. Spending time with family and friends. Friday evening we were out at a meal, which is put on for all the cast and helpers of a local pantomime. I am not in the pantos (too scary) I help out backstage which is always such a laugh. So we had a nice meal and then had a race night. And I'm sad to report I didn't even win 1 race! :-(. 
Saturday I worked in the morning and then felt like I spent the rest of my day in tescos!! 3 times I visited that place in just a few hours!!! Kill me now! Saturdays in supermarkets are not fun!!! However I had no choice in keep going to tescos as myself and my other half Paul were cooking for family and friends that evening, as we were having a little get together because it was Paul's birthday 
midweek! He decided he wanted to cook chicken tikka masala and a chicken chow mein. It was very yummy so the 3 trips were worth it making sure we had everything. 
Sunday (which is today that I'm writing my first blog) has been quite chilled. I was excited this morning to go to the local carboot sale, but was a little disappointed I found no bargains! We then visited both mums as it's Mother's Day and treated them both so some gorgeous buckets that they can grow sweet peas in! There super cute. I've had time to film 2 videos as Paul went fishing for the afternoon. And then I was good and caught up on all of my paperwork! Being self employed is great apart from that bit! Although I should learn to keep up to date throughout the year instead of leaving it all last minute! (I said this last year but, next year will be better!)

I do feel like I have rambled a bit in this first blog so I do apologise! I will hopefully get more into it in my next blog which will be a review! I will hopefully be doing a weekly review blog. Kind of like a love it or leave it blog! :-)
Hope you enjoyed this. If you have any products you'd like to see reviewed then let me know! 

Here is the link to my youtube channel if you want to check out my videos.
Would love for you to like and subscribe! :-)

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