Sunday 26 February 2017


Hey Hey!!

Yes I know what your thinking... it's been well over a year since I last posted! I'm sorry! 

But I'm missing writing blogs, so i'm back. I feel this first one back is needed to catch up with you all! So where to start...

Well my biggest news, me and Paul got engaged Christmas Day 2015 and have our date set for this coming July! Literally on a count down. EEEK!
Everything is slowly but surely getting ticked off! I honestly never realised how difficult it is to arrange a wedding! SO many little things that you just don't think about!
I feel like all I think about is wedding stuff! Kinda looking forward to it all being done with. (Is that bad lol).

In all honesty 2016 was a bit of write off of a year for us. (Obviously apart from wedding planning).
We definitely had a tough year. Paul had a bad health scare at the start of the year and unfortunately the end of year bought us a loss of an important family member.

But onwards and upwards as they say. Life will always throw us some curve balls which we have to find a way to deal with and get on with. Life does carry on.

Starting this blog I thought I might have more to tell you, but thinking about it, between the bad times and planning the wedding we have just been plodding along haha. And whilst I'm sitting here writing this I'm thinking really I should be writing my invites!

So on that note I'm going to love you and leave you!💗


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